Dear Barry and friends:

You advised me to create a javarc file. Please provide step-by-step
instructions for the whole process of installing JDK for SO52, precisely
what directory to install it in (/usr pr soffice/user?), etc. and how to
create the javarc file, which does not exist in my /soffice52 directory.
Please be precise, beginning with the downloading of the correct file
and ending with actual installation and SO's recognition of its JDK.
This will help us newbies immensely. Don't skip any steps. Instead,
please retrace your steps carefully and note them down. Right now I may
be within a step or two of getting Java for SO52 but until Java is
actually working in SO52, it is of no use to me and others. Please think
of the other guy. Make sure a newbie can follow your instructions to
ultimate success. Otherwise, this becomes an exercise in (terrible)

Thanks so much for your efforts.

Benjamin and Anna Sher
Sher's Russian Web

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