On Mon, 30 October 2000, Benjamin Sher wrote:

> Dear Barry and friends:
> You advised me to create a javarc file. Please provide step-by-step
> instructions for the whole process of installing JDK for SO52, precisely
> what directory to install it in (/usr pr soffice/user?), etc. and how to
> create the javarc file, which does not exist in my /soffice52 directory.
> Please be precise, beginning with the downloading of the correct file
> and ending with actual installation and SO's recognition of its JDK.
> This will help us newbies immensely. Don't skip any steps. Instead,
> please retrace your steps carefully and note them down. Right now I may
> be within a step or two of getting Java for SO52 but until Java is
> actually working in SO52, it is of no use to me and others. Please think
> of the other guy. Make sure a newbie can follow your instructions to
> ultimate success. Otherwise, this becomes an exercise in (terrible)
> frustration.
> Thanks so much for your efforts.
> Benjamin
> -- 
> Benjamin and Anna Sher
> Sher's Russian Web
> http://www.websher.net


I gave you all the steps I took.  I didn't have to create the javarc file
because SO already had.  The javarc file is created during the SO installation.
If yours is missing (not in the /office52/user/config directory I pointed to
in the previous reply) you could create one from the copy I attached.

Barry :-)

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