Joan Tur wrote:

> It isn't the problem  8-(

I'm sorry. ;-(

> Thanks anyway... i'll try to guess what's happening  ;-)

Just a thought, since you are in Spain, and I'm the USA...could it be an NTSC
and PAL issue? BTW, have you gotten any other games to work under Wine? I've
got Ultima Online and Half-Life, but I don't have enough HD space right now.
I'll post my results once I get a larger 2nd hard drive...

PS You know, I have a replica sword from Franklin Mints. Its supposed to be
made of "Toledo" steel, and represents King Charlemagne's sword. Its pretty
cool, hanging on the wall there. It cost $399 (I made payments), but to me its
worth it. I've also got a 5 hour video documenting his life. The legend
surrounding him has always fascinated me. Sure does gather comments. ;-)

PSS Sorry for the off topic/list post!

       /              /                                  /              /\ 
      /              /  Wild wind-horses soar the cloud /              / /
     /   --=--      /  Trails, unholy horn doth sound  /     /\       / /
    / -L I N U X-  /  Its blast, you and I were first /  Dark><Lord  / /
   /     --=--    /  To conquer, you and I shall be  /       \/     / /
  /              /  The last!   (The Elric Saga)    /              / /     
 /______________/__________________________________/______________/ /      

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