Abraham, you should be fine.  It was mostly 386/486 and first generation
pentium systems whos BIOS couldn't read hard drives larger then 504MB or
1 gig.  Here's how you find out for sure:

Go to your setup BIOS and look at the options for your hard drives.  You
should have CHS, Normal and LBA.  As long as LBA is an option you are
home free.

I just put a 20gig HD in a pII233 system on an older asus board last
night at work.  The BIOS saw it fine but since the customer was using
win95 first edition......I had to partition the drive into a bunch of 2
gig virtual drives so the OS could use it.


Abraham E Mandac Jr wrote:
> I was about ready to buy a 15 GB hard disk but then I read somewhere that I
> should first make sure that my BIOS can handle a disk of that capacity.
> My question is: could somebody give me a rough ceiling on hard drive
> capacity that can be handled by this sytem:
> Pentium II 300 MHz on an ASUS P2E-M motherboard, with 64 MB RAM
> I've exhausted the motherboard's manual and the ASUS website [which says
> next to nothing about any of their downloadable BIOSes], and I'm about to
> go nuts from reading as much as I can on hard drives and BIOSes, but I'm
> still unable to nail the specifics on my system [do I even have to, in the
> first place?].
> I've run across a lot of conflicting opinions about whether my system could
> handle anything larger than 8 gig. None of the people I've talked to
> face-to-face seem to know for sure, though.
> I apologize if this isn't exactly Linux-related. But I need a new hard
> drive soon on which to install LM so I can get started :-)
> Thanks.
> Abe Mandac

The frammisgoshes should be distimmed because a frammisgosh is like a
and distimming is like gosketing and our ancestors always gosketed the
--R.A. Wilson

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