Larry Marshall wrote:

> > When installing can I browse through every package and install whatever I
> > want?
> In expert mode you can browse through the package listings and
> select/deselect which ones you want installed.  You can't browse through
> each rpm package though...nor would you want to.
> > Can I use linuxconf to configure my system?
> The installer will let you configure most of the stuff you'd want to
> configure but sure, you can use linuxconf after you're operational.
> > Can I use XF86Setup to configure my X?
> Sure, but again, the installer will let you set up your video.  The Linux
> installer is far more detailed than the RedHat installer, especially in
> expert mode.
> > Can i disable the crap displayed in the console when at the login prompt?
> What a great descriptor "crap".  I don't know what you mean.  You need a
> login window.  What else is there?
> > If i can not or if there is a better method of any of these please let me
> > know.
> Since you've seen a login window I assume you must have done an install of
> some kind.  I'd recommend doing it again using the expert option.  You may
> find that you won't need to use linuxconf.
> > I am thinking about converting (:
> Sometimes I think that it was Mandrake's marketing department that
> released RH7.0 :-)  Red Hat's virtue has always been that they weren't
> quick to incorporate the latest whizbang thingie.  That seems to be a
> passing era.  Beware, Mandrake likes bells and whistles too and is
> becoming more driven by marketing than operation stability.
> Cheers --- Larry

Red Hat's virtue? Marketing? All companies use marketing.

Registered Linux User #179293

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