Larry Marshall wrote:

> > > Sometimes I think that it was Mandrake's marketing department that
> > > released RH7.0 :-)  Red Hat's virtue has always been that they weren't
> > > quick to incorporate the latest whizbang thingie.  That seems to be a
> >
> > Red Hat's virtue? Marketing? All companies use marketing.
> That's not what I said.  Right now we're seeing these distros shoving all
> sorts of half-baked software into new releases.  RedHat used to move more
> slowly to incorporate software into new releases.  THAT was their virtue,
> though they seem to have changed their view with 7.0.
> As for these companies using marketing, I really wonder how strong their
> marketing departments are.  They're shooting themselves in the foot
> with beta versions of software being put into their releases (RH & LM),
> not including basic things like the ANSI C++ library (LM) and sticking
> things like Star Office under a single-user license (LM).  That's
> certainly not the road to "world domination" as they're playing right into
> the hands of their detractors.  Good marketing people don't do that.   And
> no, it's not the same as Microsoft releasing buggy software as in the case
> of the Linux world, it's open and easy for people to see that the products
> are half-baked as statements by the actual producers of the software are
> there for all to see.
> Cheers --- Larry

Hey Larry,

I agree. There are way too many distos that are beta. Marketing Departments
have been known to shoot themselves  many times in the foot.
Buggy software in the Linux world can get difficult to iron out. But, then
again, that's part of the fun of learning. Or, is it?

Registered Linux User #179293

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