> I agree. There are way too many distos that are beta. Marketing Departments
> have been known to shoot themselves  many times in the foot.

Good point :-)

> Buggy software in the Linux world can get difficult to iron out. But, then
> again, that's part of the fun of learning. Or, is it?

Is this is a game maybe so.  If it's to replace the world's desktop
operating system, no.  I look at software (all software) from several
perspectives.  Is the software useful?  Is it useful to me?  Will I
recommend it to people who aren't well-based on computers.  So far, Linux
is failing to pass muster in that third category.  If the Linux market is
the saavey computer computer user market than this isn't a
problem.  Otherwise, both the developers and marketeers are failing

Cheers --- Larry

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