> I have just changed over from Corel to Mandrake 7.2. I have had a couple prob
lems with it. Has anyone else felt that it is very slow, 

You've got some sort of problem with the installation as linuxconfig
should take only a few seconds to load.  It takes only 2 seconds for the
control center to load on my 500mhz machine.

>Its possible it could my computer not having enough power also but I dont
know. Its a Pentium 500 with 32 megs ram 

32megs isn't very much to run these modern versions of

>there anyway of Netscape look nice and colorful. Every linux Distro I
used has a nice looking Netscape that has colors. Mandrake has this boring grey

Again, there's a problem with your setup as it's nice and colorful here.

Cheers --- Larry

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