On Saturday 25 November 2000 12:34 pm, you wrote:

If your java worked in Netscape 4.75 then it should work in Konqourer.  
Konqourer used Netscape Plugins so anything that works in Netscape should 
work in Konqourer.  I found that out when toying around with both Netscape 
and Konqourer.  They seem to go hand in hand.  I find that if you try out 
Netscape in java and all those site that need other plugins such as Flash, it 
seems to be a wakeup call to Konqourer.  Konqourer doesnt see it unless 
Netscape load up the plugins for the first time.  Weird on how it works but 
that what it seems to be happening on my case.  Also,   Your settings should 
be enable in both java and javascript in the browser settings.   I got Java 
to work without having any java installed.  only the one that came with 
Netscape 4.74.  I hope that solved your problem.

> bascule wrote:
> > how do you get java to work in konqueror, i downloaded the
> > java2 sdk from sunsoft (seemed like overkill to me buts
> > thats all they had for linux) followed the instructions but
> > nothing, settins>configure>browser allows to seet he path
> > but i'm not sure what part of the installed files this
> > refers to, besides what about previous versions of jave, do
> > i need that as well?
> >
> > bascule
> bascule....it's my uderstanding that it's an unimplemented
> feature at this time.

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