Dear All, It has been quite an experience since I got rid of Suse and
reinstalled Linux M 7.2. I had so many problems that I reinstalled twice
since last night. 

Last night after yesterday's reinstall I thought I had it made. I had
almost everything working and then I set up my sound. After that I had
no more internet. The sound was fine but no internet.

 After my reinstall this morning I set up sound and again no more
internet. Somehow the sound configuration is ruining my internet setup.
All of my files are as they were when everything was working. I have
eth0 at Irq9 with 0x280 which works fine until I get my sound going at
Irq 5 0x220, 0x300, dma=1 for an ess1688 audio drive sound card.
 These configurations worked fine during my original install with
LinuxM7.2. Why would they not now? There must be a conflict but I cannot
tell how there could be. Why would these setups conflict now when they
did not a week ago?

Right now (after today's later afternoon reinstall) I have everything
working right except for sound. I have not tried configuring it yet
because I wanted to be able to use the cable internet. I am not going to
try it again until I find out how to do it so it does not ruin my
internet connnection.
 Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help.

P.S. Alan, and all other nice souls thank you for all of your help so
far. By the way I was asking for help recently because I said 7.2 would
just hang there trying to initialize the CD. I discovered that I was
putting in the 2nd CD instead of the first one. The correct CD solved
that problem.

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