
Thanks a million! I didn't have to delete anything, actually. I found
the line that had that particular toolbar disable and just deleted the
"disabled" line and it was back to normal. But your tip sent me to the
right place. Thanks agian! 


Alan Shoemaker wrote:
> Riker wrote:
> > Dear, group:
> >
> > During a session in KMail my Wife lost her FILE EDIT, etc.,
> > text bar. Now there doesn't appear to be a way to get it
> > back. My first insticnt was to uninstall KMail and then
> > reinstall, but the KMail RPM is no where to be found. And
> > when I try to unistall, I have the same problem. Is this
> > installed with KOffice? If not, which package was it
> > installed with? And is there a way to get it back without
> > reinstalling?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Riker
> Will....the way to make kmail appear to be newly installed is
> to delete the ~/.kde/share/config/kmail:(big number) and the
> ~/.kde/share/config/kmailrc files.  Then when you run kmail
> it'll write new ones with the defaults in them.
> --
> Alan

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