
In the event that you have one or more large files eating
this space, you could use the find command to locate them.
Start high, and keep doing it, dropping the size by a couple
meg each time. The syntax would be like this:

   find / -size x -print

or to look in your /home directories, use

   find /home -size x -print

where "x" is the size of the file in blocks (512-byte
blocks, that is). It would be nice to search for files of a
certain size _and_ modification date, but find can't do
that. Maybe locate can?

Registered Linux user #197870

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Weaver" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 21, 2000 2:25 PM
Subject: [newbie] Disk filling up

> Hi list.
> Something  strange happened to me today here at work. I
had received an
> attachment from someone. It was an MS Powerpoint file. On
a lark I decided to
> attempt and open the file with Star Office. I was curious,
so sue me!
> Anyway, things didn't go well. X crashed and "something"
happened that ate up
> ALL the remaining available space on my /home partition.
I've checked and
> rechecked and checked again and for the life of me I can't
find or figure out
> what in the world is going on or what is being written to
that is causeing
> this. It's very bizzare. What in the world could have
happened and what can I
> do to regain the space on my HDD? Before this happened the
partition was only
> at 26% used. It is now at 86% and that is after I got rid
of a bunch of junk
> files that I know I didn't need.
> Thanks in advance,
> --
> Mark
> ..Wisdom begins when the mouth is closed and
> the palms are turned upward.

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