Hi David and Alicia

> ok, here is the real question: why do people try running linux?, the
> impression i had gathered was that it was a lighter os and could be used
> older machines, (i386 etc). I was a little dismayed when i saw the
> size. How much disk space will a bare install need?
> David and Alicia
> Would mandrake run on a p60, 540 mb hd, ?

I've heard more so for stability than most other things but have yet to make
up my own mind there. Also you can custumise Linux far more than Windows by
being able to recompile the kernel for your particular system it would

> Define "faster than windows".  Using KDE I've noticed there is quite
> often a noticable delay waiting for windows to appear - far longer than
> in windows.
> Herman Christiani wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Yes, you can and it will run faster then windows,
> > but you forgot to mention the amount of ram?
> > Linux likes it's ram, the more the better.
> > On Fri, 29 Dec 2000, you wrote:
> > > Dear all,
> > > Can i install mandrake on my (shame) p200mmx 3.3gig machine?
> > > will it run apps faster than windoze bloatware?
> > > David and Alicia
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