Joseph Red wrote:
> Well, for myself, I got sick of rebooting whenever I wanted to play
> a game. And the crashes.  Since I was rebooting for games anyway, why
> not dual-boot?
> Then I started discovering how far Linux has come (the last time I
> used it was a pre-1.0 version of Slack).  Heck, there was support
> for my USB webcam, and my digital cam.  The only thing I haven't
> found a replacement for is my Timex Datalink watch software (to
> be fair, I haven't looked:).  And since I've started running
> Linux (4-5 months) I've booted Windows about 5 times.
> Mainly to double-check hardware IRQs & I/Os.
> Joseph Red

  Okay, explain this to me:  You switched from Windows to Linux because
you wanted to more easily play games?  Surely this is one of Linux's
weakest areas?  (Well, that and its font system).  Didn't you find
yourself unable to play the games you wanted to under Linux?

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