Hi All,

OK, through a friend in private eMail I now can run PERL scripts. <vbg>

However, the PERL script I have appears to be for my Windows D:\
drive.  the problem is I lost sight my last partition in Windows
(which is there though).  I do not know PERL, but it appears the
script is setup for D:\, and the little information on the
Mandrake install problem page says "second partition" and states
"D:\".  I assumed like in other cases that it would also
translate to the last partition, but not so, because I get the
"Oops, this simple script fails" message as you see it in
the script.

The following is my Windows drive setup and I'm hoping to find
somebody that knows PERL that can adjust or tell me what to
change in the script to get my last drive, should be "I:\"
showing in Windows again.  I use GRUB to boot up in Linux or
Windows.  Linux is sitting somewhere around the "H:\,I:\" drives.
:)  Also, but not really important to me, the CDs got split with
a regular drive in between them.

A: Floppy Drive
C: Regular Drive
D: Regular Drive
E: Regular Drive
F: Regular Drive
G: Regular CD Drive
H: Regular Drive
I: CD-RW Drive

Here is the PERL script that I got off the Mandrake FAQ, Install
problems page.  I'm **hoping** that the "(\d)" right before the
Oups ;) message or somewhere else is what designates the drive to
make it appear in Windows, but if it is like RegExp, then that is
any digit.  I surely do not know what the Open F is for, not any
of it except the error messages or passing message. <bg>  I'm in
Win98SE, FWIW:


my @l = `/sbin/fdisk -l 2>/dev/null| grep -i "Linux Extended"`;
@l > 1 and die "you have more than one Linux Extended partition, too complex for 

my ($hd, $num) = $l[0] =~ m|(/dev/\w+)(\d)\s| or die "oups, this simple script 
open F, "|/sbin/fdisk $hd >/dev/null";
print F
close F;

`/sbin/fdisk -l 2>/dev/null| grep -i "Linux Extended"` and die "it failed, sorry\n";

print "All should be ok now!\n";


If nobody here can help can you ask the pros or refer me to a
list where I may ask?  Thanks mucho bunches and Happy New
Millennium to you all!

See ya in the funnies!
Jody Adair

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