I Host websites in a Virtual fashion using Mandrake 7.0.
When I upload webpages containing some javascript.class files into their respective folders the page displays incorrectly upon inspecting the Error Log it says that a browser was looking in "My" main website folder  for the class file- I dont know what to call "My Main Folder" except that "My" web folder is located along with all the others in /home/webs/myfolder like the rest /home/webs/otherfolders
I do not understand why.. rather than the page displaying correctly with the contents located within the /webs/folder  it  is looking basically in the "main" or "My" main  folder-
I have 45  various web sites and  One of them is mine-  the name of the DNS Name Server and a Domain name are "One in the same".
Anyone know what I am experiencing here?
Muchos Gracias..

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