Dan, great letter, and good follow-ups from the rest of you.

I do a decent job of trying to understand others' viewpoints
before  condemning them to eternal fire and Liberace
records, but Todd's view here is just lame. Again, the truth
is beautifully expressed thusly: "Obviously, things need to
be simple for users, but I don't think restricting choice is
really the answer."

Lame-o seems to have used the term "bloatware" to describe
the number of packages in a given distribution, but I've
been using it to mean a _single_ package that is

* Sloppily written, and so takes up lots-o-disk space,
* Eats up system resources as if it's the only app in
* And, consequently, works slower than it should.

Have I been leading a life of error?


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 4:40 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft CEO defends Linux

> Folks, don't worry about it. Journalists think that it's
fancy to
> cryticise linux this season, so they do. What Henri said
counts, and
> that's:
> yust my .022 euro...
> cu
> Denis
> On Thu, 11 Jan 2001, abe wrote:
> :~>Now, if you just say yes to everything then you are
going to get one
> :~>hell of an install!  But my favorite passtime with my
linux box for the
> :~>first few months was to sit down and try all those
programs.  Fire em up
> :~>and see what happens.  It was great fun and a good way
to get
> :~>comfortable with the new environment too.
> :~>
> ...
> :~>
> :~>That article is just more FUD.
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Dr. Denis Havlik               <http://MandrakeForum.com>
> Mandrakesoft           |||     e-mail:
>                       (@ @)    (private: [EMAIL PROTECTED])
> ------------------oOO--(_)--OOo---------------------
> The mailserver is on strike. It wants better working
> paid days off and a female connector. ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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