Correction; LEAST Likely to cause tension with first-timers. My Bad!

Dan LaBine
Registered Linux User #190712

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dan LaBine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 5:20 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE or Gnome

> Tom; You did read my entire post , right? Did you catch the rest of my
> message? Please don't make assumptions about my preferences. As I stated,
> is the most similar to Windows, and therefore more likely to cause tension
> with first-timers. Once they gain a level of confidence with Linux and
> they'll be more likely to try the other desktop environments and
> on their own. You are interested in promoting Linux aren't you? It
> is a nice improvement and change from Windows! I'd like to see a lot more
> people using it, that's for sure! I just offerred the suggestion that KDE
> would make it easier for new Linux users to make the transition. So, far,
> I've managed to switch about 137 users (Including all the staff at the
> office I work at), and KDE made it a lot easier to do that. If it got the
> job done, I wouldn't care if they were permanently working in a console,
> KDE get's the job done nicely. Personally, I don't use it if I don't have
> to. I trust that clears this misunderstanding up? Please don't make
> judgements or assumptions about people you know nothing about.
> Dan LaBine
> Registered Linux User #190712
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tom Brinkman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 11:24 PM
> Subject: Re: [newbie] KDE or Gnome
> > On Tuesday 16 January 2001 07:52 pm, Dan LaBine wrote:
> > > Just a thought here, but wouldn't it be incredibly wise of us to
> > > suggest and promote KDE as a prefferred desktop environment? Don't
> > > get me wrong, I don't actually have a preference of my own,
> > ==
> >     from the looks of your header it's apparent you do:
> >   <>
> > Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
> >  boundary="----=_NextPart_000_0067_01C07FFE.3F86E640"
> > X-Priority: 3
> > X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
> > X-Mailer: Microsoft Outlook Express 5.50.4133.2400
> > X-MimeOLE: Produced By Microsoft MimeOLE V5.50.4133.2400
> >   <>
> >
> >    Please don't post using HTML.  There's another issue here too. The
> > biggest reason to use Linux, prob'ly has to be it's safety when
> > properly used. Connecting to the Internet with any M$ product is akin
> > to goin skippin in the wind naked.  No matter what you do, posting and
> > receiving email, newsgroups, surfing the web, you'd be better off with
> > security set to 'welcome to crackers', running as 'root', with no
> > firewall or sentry on the net while using Linux. 'Specially if you
> > insist on using anything but plain text.  Ever hear of a Linux user
> > catching the 'I love you' virus?   Nope?  'Nough said.
> > ==
> >       FWIW, desktop windows are on the same level as politics and
> > religion, and Ford/Chevy/Toyota as far as 'which' goes.  On that note,
> > after using Red Hat/AfterStep for a while, I tried a few other distros,
> > mainly Slack. I don't remember the WM, it might've also been afterstep.
> >     Then (I was dual booting then too), I d/l'd phatlinux which runs on
> > a Windoze partition in a loopback (one big ol' file).  At the time Phat
> > was Mandrake 6.0 with KDE.  I soon sent for the 'real' Mandrake 6.0
> > CD's, slapped a second HDD in, and have been runnin Mandrake/KDE ever
> > since.
> > --
> > Tom Brinkman       [EMAIL PROTECTED]     Galveston Bay
> >
> >

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