Mark, You're absolutely right about that! My company is in the process of becoming established in Quebec, Canada, where we already have about 200 programmers ready to start writing fresh apps SPECIFICALLY for Linux. I've been working on this little project for about 6 months now, and one of the main reasons is because like a lot of people, I'm fed up with MS. I firmly beleive in the whole Linux movement (?). It's about time for a change. If MS had a more reliable and flexible operating system, and applications, I might be less inclined to "jump into the fray". Such not being the case, I'm all over Linux like "White on Rice"! P.S., we've been pre-loading Mandrake for about 3-4 months now on about 24% of our new PC's. In my line of work, you do your homework or you're out of business. I knew this whole thing with MS was coming. I'm sorry that others don't see that Linux should end up dominating the O/S market, because in the final analysis, this could end up generating a huge whack of jobs, and income for those who never considered it before. I like to see people get ahead. Anyway, I'm done rambling. For Now!
Dan LaBine
Registered Linux User #190712
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 9:46 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] KDE or Gnome

Abe and Mark, this is an example of what I was talking about in the "Mandrakesoft CEO defend Linux" thread.  The community is divided.  Some think Linux existence is to vanquish Microsoft (i.e. to be a viable replacement for the MS Desktop among the masses, not among folks like Abe, et al.), others see Linux existing in it's own space and not really a competitor to MS. 
Dan, yes that would be nice, probabaly something along the lines of "Check out KDE if your a newbie coming from MS", or "Check out GNOME if your a newbie coming from MAC".  But it will take more than window managers "to kick the financial crap out of Microsoft."  We need 3rd party vendors to support Linux as well. 
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan LaBine [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 7:53 PM
Subject: [newbie] KDE or Gnome

Just a thought here, but wouldn't it be incredibly wise of us to suggest and promote KDE as a prefferred desktop environment? Don't get me wrong, I don't actually have a preference of my own, but if we want Linux to kick the financial crap out of Microshaft, we're going to have to make it as easy as possible for all the "Former" windows users we can find. KDE seems to be the most similar to Windows, and therefore the least painful. I don't think it should be a war, but rather a question of choice. Imagine getting on the phone to Bill gates and ordering a custom Desktop for Windows! Yeah, that'll be the same day that lawyers and politicians start telling the truth, gas drops to $0.10 per gallon, and warp drives have been around for 50 years!
Just my $0.02
Dan LaBine
Registered Linux User #190712

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