I had a similar problem with an S3 TRIO and the only way I could get the
card to work was during the installation processes. Boot from the CD and
hit F1 when the CD first boots (you should see and option for it). Then
type 'vgalo' in the command line. Once I did this, my video came up and
worked pretty good. Hopes this helps, 'cause I know how frustrating this
problem can be. I worked on it for three weeks in my spare time.

Please let me know if this was a help, as I'm a newbie myself. :) 


Charley & Peggy Robinson wrote:
>   I loaded L-M 7.2 Complete on my K6-2 based PC w/Diamond stealth 3d
> video board and SVGA monitor.  I used the dual boot option on a 4.2 gig
> HDD with Win Me on the DOS partition and L-M on the second partion.  On
> initial boot up, Win ME works fine. When I selected Linux, boot up
> screens passed by and a rather blocky penguin showed
> up and asked for a user log in.  Before I could type in my user name,
> the screen shut down as if the power management system in the BIOS had
> taken over.
>    Rebooted and disabled pwr mgt; no help.  tried to reinstall from the
> boot disk so as to modify the screen res settings.  Couldn't get to the
> install routines.  Grrr..
> Said to hell with it and watched the pro bowl. ;^)
>   After trying several different things, managed to kill the HDD's boot
> track.  Wound up reloading the HDD from a backup and here I am, much
> chagrined.
>   What's my best bet for getting one of the GUIs to display?  None of
> the choices in the dusplay menu fitted my video board/monitor combo.  I
> suspect that the 1024 x 768 monitor is the issue.  I tried 800 x 600 on
> a reload.  It died again.  Suppose I choose the wrong combo again.  How
> do I get the screen to come back on?  This is getting old!! ;^)
>   TIA,
>   CR

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