Hear! hear! Bang on the money!
Dan LaBine
Registered Linux User #190712

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dennis Myers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Mandrakesoft CEO defends Linux

> Very well said, I will vote for you for vice-President next go around,
> sorry already committed to someone
> else on the list for prez.  OK, I'll be quiet again.
> James Mellema wrote:
> > Adrian Smith wrote:
> >
> >>>>> Sridhar Dhanapalan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6:12:43 AM 1/15/01 >>>
> >>>>
> >> I personally don't like this solution, but it's yet another way for
> >> (and Mandrake) to gain market share (at the expense of becoming more
> >> M$). I believe that if anyone is stupid enough not to understand the
> >> very user-friendly Mandrake Drakx, then they shouldn't be using Linux
at all.
> >> What do everyone else here think?
> >
> >
> > Adrian,
> >
> > For egotistical reasons I am tempted to agree with you, but I think in
> > the real world that's a poor way to look at the problems here. Everyone
> > had to learn somehow, but just because you and I learned in the school
> > of hard knocks doesn't mean everyone has to. There is no reason to need
> > an advanced degree in comp sci to use a computer. If you want the
> > computer to be a tool it has to be usable by those that need it. If you
> > want it to be an ego trip for the cognoscenti then what you say is true.
> >
> > The Drake tools are very good and easy to use for those of us with more
> > than a smattering of technical knowledge. But without better
> > documentation they are a huge barrier for the average user. Some of the
> > problems I see with Mandrake are trying to use the server install
> > instead of workstation, (I wiped out 3 gigs of webpages, graphics files,
> > and programs on ide2) probably 20 installs before I figured out a
> > reasonable partitioning scheme, multiple development programs an
> > libraries which just take space and are not usable for most users,
> > multiple programs which are extraneous for the majority of users (i.e.
> > text editors, mail programs, web tools, system monitors, and sound/video
> > multimedia programs).
> >
> > I would like to see a documentation link on the splash screen as you
> > open the installation program. Ideally it could be in pdf format and
> > open a pdf client that would give simple steps to the installation
> > process. This could also define terms and give examples of what is
> > necessary for a minimum install, as well as provide warnings about
> > terminal (as in kill your computer) problems. Some examples could be:
> > 1) install linux prior to WIN2K,
> > 2) do not use 'server' installation on a dual boot computer, (or one
> > with data you would like to keep),
> > 3) known unreconcilable hardware problems (windmodems, incompatible
> > peripherals)
> > 4)  The steps necessary to create a dual boot machine.
> >
> > I did a portion of my Master's work on usability problems. Much of it
> > based on my long, difficult, and destructive attempts at learning linux.
> > Fortunately I have several computers and don't have to take the chance
> > at destroying my workstation to experiment, most of the computing
> > population doesn't have that advantage. Linux isn't easy but it will
> > have to become easier if it is to become a standard in the business
> > community, and amongst the computing public. Most people don't want to
> > experiment, they would like to use their computer to surf the web, write
> > the odd letter, track their checkbook, and keep records. There is no
> > reason to make things difficult (or impossible) for Joe User. The past
> > 20 years is littered with good ideas, hardware and software that didn't
> > take that unnecessary difficulty into account
> --
> Dennis Myers Registered Linux user #180843

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