Kelley Terry wrote:
> You can edit the link by right clicking on it and select properties.  In the
> opened window you can edit the name directly and also change the icon by
> clicking on it and selecting a new one.  Permissions do remain the same as
> the file it's linked to for obvious security reasons.
> The fonts can be edited with the control center/LookNFeel/Fonts menu.  If you
> can't find the icon in your panel (It should be there by default) you can
> type in kcontrol at a command prompt.
> --
> Kelley Terry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]

I had been trying to edit the name in the properties dialog of the link,
but it always comes up with an "access denied to
/usr/share/doc/mandrake/en/<whatever_I_typed_in_the_edit_box>". So it
still seems to me as if it's trying to rename the target file, which I
don't have permissions for. Am I getting closer, or still way out in
left field?

For the font problem I also had been using the Control
Center/Look&Feel/Fonts, and the Browser font settings from within
Konquerer itself. I can apply the default font in Konqueror browser
settings for the session I am using and the font changes just fine(and I
am saving Konquerer options too), but as soon as I reload the page, or
start up another Konquerer window, the strange font reappears again.
Which happens to be the "a.d mono" font. It just won't go away
permanently no matter what I try. And it's not a friendly font for
reading documentation in, or I would just live with it.

Thanks for the help though Kelley. I also am still "out of the box" with
7.2 right now. Have been putting off any package upgrading because my
sound card (AWE64) keeps nuking my modem (USR 33.6 fax/modem internal)
when it is used, and the only way I've been able to get rid of the
"Sorry, the modem is busy" in pppd once that happens is by reinstalling.
So I don't put too much effort into doing a lot of changes until I get
that problem resolved.

Hey Mandrake? Now that I have that nifty upgrade cd you mailed me, can I
go directly from my "out of the box" 7.2 to LiveUpdate with that update
cd? Or are there some "in-between" package upgrades I have to satisfy
first? I'm about to try it out, just hoping I don't break anything in
the process.

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