Kelley Terry wrote:

> Permissions are the same.  The name of the link can be changed independently
> of the original file.  If you log into kde as root or another user with access
> to the original file only then can you change the name of the link.  You can
> also 'su' in a terminal and then 'rm -f /path/of/file' and 'ln -s
> /path/of/target/file  /path/of/file/with/new/name'.

I finally saw the light and used File Manager SU Mode, with that I was
able change the link name to what I wanted. I think user documentation
should be shared a little more friendlier than the way the install set
it up. Is it because users can't be trusted to set up their own
customized desktop links to files which they don't own, but do have
permission to read? I think I'm going to find a solution when I learn a
little bit more about groups. But hey this is fun, I love tinkering
around with this new OS.
> I had the same problem with the a.d. mono font.  It is illegible.  I had to
> do a clean install with no kde and install the kde 2.1 beta rpms.  Now that
> kde 2.1 final is released the rpms will be available shortly.  If upgrading
> won't cure the font then only a fresh install of kde will do it   Try the
> upgrade first and post the results.

I'll keep my eye out for the 2.1 final rpms. Thanks for all your help!

Private Randy, LM Newbie Recruit

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