Enough with this thread already ! I'm sorry that I even mentioned my own
2 cents worth, and I think I was the only female to say anything. But
PLEASE - leave the Bible quoting off the list as well - based on the
bible its also OK for daughters to sleep with their father (Lot) and I'm
sure most people think that a really bad idea.


KompuKit wrote:
> I'd like to throw in my two sense ....here...
> ALL authority...belongs to God...
> and alot of times His children(us), refuse ourselves of certain
> things...
> that God never intended us to refuse....proof below:
> In the book of Esther (ch. 1+2) their was a king who held the first ever
> beauty contest...to find a bride. all of the contestants (I found
> out)...
> were between 12 -21 yrs of age...(the king was 65)...NOWHERE in the
> bible...
> can I find that God punished Queen Esther and that King for marrying
> each other...
> (which they did)...
> So, this being the case...I believe (like so many others also)...that
> there is
> nothing wrong with the idea of age difference, in a relationship...
> Now, granted...I think 12-15 is too young (myself)...but 16 should be
> ok...
> IF you are married first, of course.
> Julio Gutierrez wrote:
> >
> > Ok my apologies to all the girls age of 16 subscribed to this list, also to
> > all females subscribed to it, and to all the parents of 16 yr old girls who
> > read this message, I know i got a little out of hand and I apologize but to
> > tell you the truth I got too excited when I installed 8.0 that my mind just
> > went completely nuts ok so all of you got your apologies so now go download
> > 8.0 and install it on your computer
> >
> > SORRY again!!!
> >
> > Laters
> >
> > Julio
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