Hi Tim - I stand corrected - I should not have been flippant with Mumbo jumbo 
and by no way meant offense to all the fantastic Linux users.  I am envious 
of their learning prowess.  i am sure there are others like me who are 
venturing over to Linux and have a hard time even spelling it, let alone 
doing terminal work (probably 1% of the Linux population).  Thankfully you 
are all kind enough to put up with us and try and help us.  My Linux learning 
is on the backside of the bell curve, hey someone has to occupy those far end 
end points. somewhere around 5 standard deviations away.

The HardDrak doesn't list any sound devices, so I am soundless.  i dowloaded 
the Aureal file, (tar.gz), Todd was kind enough to send me the url, but don't 
know what to do with it, or how to install it.  

I have a Crystal Semiconductor for the sound card and Altec lansing speakers. 

Again my apologies to the Linux community.

> As a suggestion though.  Stop looking at the console as "Linux terminal
> command Mumbo Jumbo."  That's where the real power of Linux can be found.
> That's where you really start to dig into the system and become an expect.
> To start working with the shell, editing and keeping a 150 line .aliases
> file, and other things.
> Also a lot of the people that help you with problems on this list, are the
> people that love the console work, and some of us don't even bother X
> windows. We do everything from the console.  Right down to play MP3s,
> chatting, and playing games!  Wouldn't want to offend them by calling it
> "Mumbo Jumbo."
> :0)
> Hope ya found that helpful, and be kind to your penguin!
> tdh
> T. Holmes
> Unixtechs.org
> "Real Men use Vi."
> * g <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [010427 09:01]:
> | Wow what a great feature for us Non Linux versed, Windows point and click
> | types.  In response to the IP Flooding w/PMfirewall:
> |
> | Using LM 7.2, KDE,
> | I get to my message log by just clicking on the Home Icon at the bottom
> | of the screen, it brings up the file tree,
> | click on Root,
> | then click on Var,
> | then click on Log,
> | then click on messages Icon (the one with the pencil showing).
> | it displays the message log right on the screen.  Scroll to the bottom to
> | see the latest entries.  No more of that  Linux terminal commands Mumbo
> | Jumbo, back to good ole point and click.
> |
> | Works great for us Windows refugees hanging out on Linux, nothing beats a
> | good ole Point and click.
> |
> | To Edit the log file
> | While it is displayed on the screen:
> | I Click on Edit at the top of the screen
> | Click on Open with Advanced Editor
> | and walah - i can edit the file.
> |
> | You can use any of the editors it lists but so far i only tried the
> | Advance Option.
> |
> | Cool, this Linux stuff is getting better all the time....  ;-0
> |
> | Now if I could just get my sound system to work... via point and click...

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