If you think about it, Microsnot,, is just a bunch of little boys in suits,,
most of them lawyers not programmers,,
so they are getting pissed that they are being surpassed by open source and
losing revenue because of it,, they also need to impress their shareholders
by saying they are doin things to increase their earnings,,(like trying to
have open source software made illegal because they think it steals
Intellectual property... (something microsnot doesn't have anyway...)

We are ruining all their fun, we should all roll over and just install
Win2000 and then upgrade and upgradea, and basically give MS all our credit
card details and stuff so they don't have to bother with actually giving us
something for our money.

I think it sad that they have become so mercinary and pathetic,, once upon a
time, they actually played a big part in ensuring we have a choice, instead
of all being forced to have Macs.....

Unfortunatly, they have done nothing right since... and the number of people
that hate microsoft now, is reaching all time highs,,,,

But think about it, what they are doing is really a good thing,,

They are slowly pissing off all their resellers,, and the only reason they
have some still, is because newbies all want win98 or whatever... once that
is no longer the case,, and linux has progressed to the point where it is as
easy to install apps and work with,,, etc.

you can bet that a good many of the resellers will drop windows altogether,,
for two reasons,,,

1. nobody likes being told they HAVE to do something THIS way or else...
2. and this is the biggie,, Linux is free, cheaper computers,, more profit,
and more competitive pricing,,,. also, good rates for support and stuff...

give it time, it will turn out that microsnot has shot itself in the foot,,
sad, because of what could have been once upon a time,, but in the long
term, they will get split up by the justice dept, (for one thing
unix/linux/open source users and programmers FAR outweight microsnots
lawyers and staff) and politions are in the practice of keeping the majority
that will cause a massive stock nosedive for MS and Thats when things will
start changing,...

I think Ms already know all of this, hense the desperation tactics,, they
know they are slowly but surely going downhill and there appears to be
little they can do to stop it...

Their latest attempt is .NET, which is quite clever, as it might end up
supported on Linux, but you can bet your bottom dollar that there will be
alot more options for it when hosted on W2000 server,, thats the way they
work... Proprietry protocols, and giving a little (to halt some critism) and
takin a lot...

This isn't the 80's anymore, that won't cut it nowadays... something they
will soon learn for themselves...
this is the decade of intellectual sharing...

just my ten cents worth....

Frank Hauptle
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Gshop & Network Payment Solutions.

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Carroll
Sent: Wednesday, 2 May 2001 8:05 AM
Cc: Newbie@Linux-Mandrake. Com
Subject: Re: [newbie] If this will not turn businesses to Linux I don't
know what will.

Franki wrote:
> I am not sure I understand this,,,
> If what I understand is right, its pretty ridiculous...
> correct me if I am wrong..
> Microsnot wants resellers to send then copies of any quote requests for
> systems that don't want an OS included??
> Does this mean that soon, upgrading your processor will invalidate your
> license? is that the next step?  at what point is a system a new system?
>>>>>>>>>> snip

You make a lot of good points, but I want to focus on just one of them
-- hence the severe editing -- that has bothered me for quite a while:
If I keep upgrading my PC in bits and pieces, when does Microsoft say
that it has become a new computer? Evidently the local computer store
feels that installing a new motherboard or new HD makes it a new
computer, because those are his conditions for selling me an OEM version
of Windows Whatever. While I don't agree with that, in my pre-Linux days
I might have been tempted had the urge to buy new hardware and upgrade
Windows ocurred at the same time that I had the funds to do all of this.
The scarier part, though, given another posting on this thread about MS
changing the terms of the license after the fact, is what they might say
in the future. Two scenarios:
1. "Sorry, Bubba, but when you bought that upgrade from MSDOS 4.0 to
5.0, we didn't really mean that you could actually do it. Please remit
$11,847.15, which is the total retail cost of every new version of every
piece of software that we've written since then that we've decided that
you should have bought. Additionally, send a separate check in the
amount of $832.16 as damages for the disparaging remarks that you are
purported to have made in a bar in Traverse City, Michigan, at 1:15 am
on Friday, September 18, 1993, about MicroSoft Bob."
2. "Did your MicroSoft Mouse get all crudded up, Bubba, and you replaced
it with a Logitech? And you didn't buy the latest version of Windows
2XXX? Be informed that our lawyers are going to be all over you. Even
Johnny Cochrane can't get you out of this mess. If you don't fork over
everything you own to us immediately, we'll sic the IRS on you, too.
That will be followed by boils and such. Oh, did we mention the
locusts?" (Yes, I know that the term "upgrade Windows" is self
contradictory. No flames, please.)


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