Hi! What driver do I use for a Logitech Thunderpad? It doesn't say it's a
Logitech Thunderpad Digital, so I am assuming it's not, it's just a plain one.
It runs out of the game port, it's not USB or anything.

I have tried putting various drivers in my /etc/modules.conf, e.g.

alias char-major-15 analog
post-install joydev ln -sf /dev/js0 /dev/js

and I have the following devices:

lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            3 May 12 20:13 /dev/js -> js0
crw-------    1 john     root      15,   0 Apr 14 21:06 /dev/js0
crw-------    1 john     root      15,   1 Apr 14 21:06 /dev/js1
crw-------    1 john     root      15,   2 Apr 14 21:06 /dev/js2
crw-------    1 john     root      15,   3 Apr 14 21:06 /dev/js3

but joy2key says this:

Error opening /dev/js0!
Are you sure you have joystick support in your kernel?

Well, I am pretty sure I have something there, lsmod says this:

analog                  7648   0  (autoclean) (unused)
gameport                1520   0  (autoclean) [analog]
input                   3232   0  (autoclean) [analog]

My best guess is that analog is the wrong driver. I tried joydev as well,
but that didn't help. Please tell me what I am doing wrong! Thanks,


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