> > The chipset to avoid is VIA with the 686B Southbridge.  This means most
> > modern KT133As and Apollo Pros.  That is a large portion of the
> Motherboard
> > Market

Really? I bought a Tyan Trinity 400 S1854 specifically to run Mandrake.  The
spec sheets lists the chipset as VIA Apollo Pro 133A (VT82C694X &
VT82C596A). I'm guesssing the latter two identifiers are the north and
southbridge. If so am I safe?

It's been running Mandrake 7.2 quite reliably so far...

In this vein, it would be really great if Mandrake were to start listing
motherboards along with the rest of the hardware compatible lists. The
comments people have made to the effect of "VIA is well known for having
problems" are somewhat exasperating to folks like myself who researched
their purchases heavily yet still apparently made the wrong choices because
they didn't also read the kernel dev mailing list.


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