On Saturday 16 June 2001 13:40, you wrote:
> Yet another war story that people think are far and few between.

I have to concur with Tim here, since we're all sharing scars and war stories.

I've installed Windows at least 300 times -- 3.x, 95, 98, 98SE, NT 4, and 
2000 Professional--on everything from my first pentium to corporate destops 
and Compaq servers. I have never had it perform like a Microsoft commercial. 
I have never had a flawless install. There are always several tweaks 
necessary in order to get the system working properly and I can't tell you 
how many times a small change in one area can have huge and unexpected 
consequences in another.

I've only installed Linux about 15 times and that on only three hardware 
configs. The installations have usually gone smoothly, though I've had to 
tweak and customize, edit config files, install packages, and generally mess 
around. I've taken this in stride because I EXPECT to have to do those things 
and I'm delighted when I can fix one problem without creating 6 more.

I guess the difference for me is that Microsoft will lie in order to create 
the expectation that these vastly complicated aggregations of hardware and 
software known as modern desktop computers "just work" without any planning, 
knowledge and effort on the user's part. I don't think that their 20 year 
contribution to the "dumbing down" of computer users is anything to be proud 

- Chris

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