On Tuesday 26 June 2001 07:48 am, you wrote:
> > These lists are also heavily censored. I was once having a look at some
> > messages in an Intel newsgroup when the topic of overclocking was raised.
> > Intel eventually filtered out all messages with mentions of overclocking.
> I'm
> > sure Microsoft would act in a similar way in similar circumstances.
> I'm not sure they would, since I have seen posts critical of MS, it's
> software and MS's practices.
> This still leaves the many mailing lists, and the serachable web pages.
> (altho I will admit that searching MS's Knowledgebase SUCKS, since it seems
> to have a mind of it's own, when it comes to indexing and cross-referencing
> :-)

  Heh...just like their sorry butt 'registry', in their sorry butt OS! LOL

  Now that I've put that 2 cents in, I can do this............WAHOOO!!  
YEEHAAAWWWW!!!  Mmmwwaahahahahaaaaa!!!

  What was that you ask? I 'finally' got me a 'real' modem (USR 5686 
External).  It worked from the very first. I'm so derned tickled pink I did a 
little jig this mornin' !!

  But get this....the software that came with it was made for Windblows (of 
course), and it can't recognize the modem!!  LOL  I'm getting a real kick out 
of that one!

  Anyway, now that I'm almost completely 'turned', I figured I'd get my piece 
in here. Take care and be well everyone...it's a great day!!

  John B
Use Linux and feel the freedom!

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