I did it again, ment to send this to the list not just the individual..

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
Subject: Re: [newbie] Linux bashing again by Intel??
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 12:54:50 -0400
From: Dennis M. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jeffrey M. Reed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Saturday 23 June 2001 13:00, you wrote:
> On Saturday 23 June 2001 07:55, Romanator wrote:
> > Where are our big guns? Please read this story when you
> > have time. However, it's not all doom and gloom.
> >
> >
> > http://www.zdnet.com/enterprise/stories/linux/0,12249,277
> >8923,00.html
> >
> >
> > Roman
> > Registered Linux User #179293
> > Email Powered By Tux Email Utility

<big snip>

> it's nice to have a CHOICE instead of my choices all being
> made for me. THAT, is truly american...independence and
> individual thinking. freedom. thanks for letting me
> vent...i'll shut up now.

Ok, I was going to be quiet,but now I have to throw my two cents in. I have
given my cheapbytes copy of Mandrake to two other people cause they said
"It's time I tried linux, what do you suggest?" They are trying it because
they see the writing on the wall with XP and they hear me talking about the
only time my system goes down is if I am messing with it to see "what happens
if I do this?" and I proceed to do something ignorant., but in 5 to 10
minutes I am back up and running. Now my wife after having been nocked off of
AOL for the umpteenth time and fighting with Office 97,  says to me," your
going to have to teach me how to use linux".   That's three people in the
last 2 weeks and just me. How many of you out there are experiencing the
same? I see the snowball rolling down hill and that sucker is getting bigger
every day. Now RedHat has a net server OS called TUX 2.0 that runs packets
through at 3 times the speed of NT. And that measure for peak could only be
made after they took two of the cpus out of the server running the benchmark!
Linux is on the verge. I personnally don't care if it replaces MS or not,
just so It continues to develope and provide me with the choice of spending a
bunch of money on something I have no control over or paying fair market
value for something I can taylor to my needs.  THE PENGUIN IS MY HERO!
Now I will shut up.  Thanks for tuning in.
Dennis M. registered Linux user #180842


Dennis M. registered Linux user #180842

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