On Saturday 30 June 2001 17:47, Fireman71 wrote:
> Here's the thing....The modem, which is external, was never disconnected so
> i could not have inadvertantly connected it to the wrong serial port.
> Right before doing the shutdown command i had been online (checking email).
> I did "/sbin/ifdown ppp0" and waited for the connection to drop and then
> did "shutdown -h now". Then disconnected the monitor and its power cable
> and set it in the floor and disconnected the power cable from the back of
> the computer. I then moved the desk with the computer, modem, keyboard,
> mouse and speakers as one unit to its new location. I rerouted the cabling
> or the surge protector and plugged the computer back into the same outlet
> it had been in before and then sat the monitor back on the desk and hooked
> the cables up for it.
> I have tried making a new dialup connection with the same results. The
> modem picks up the line, dials then waits about 3 seconds and hangs up. I
> made the original connection and the new connection both with netconf. The
> new connection was setup the exact same way that I set up the old one when
> it was working.
> I have made sure that both the connections for the serial cable to the
> modem are secure and that they are screwed in so that there is no chance of
> them being lose or anything. I have also reseated the phone lines.
> The only changes i have made to the system in the past month or so is to
> configure Bastille with the interactive option but that was about 2 weeks
> ago and i have been connecting to the internet fine since then up until the
> computer was moved so this shouldnt be the root of the problem.
This sort of thing keeps happening to me with Linux-Mandrake 8.0 (reported as 
a bug).  I have 7.2 on another partition and I copied 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts from there to 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts-from-7.2 on my 8.0 partition.  Whenever I have 
a problem with /sbin/ifup ppp0, replacing the contents of 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts with the 7.2 set _always_ fixes it.  Please 
don't ask me why - it's a crude and dirty kludge but I have spent hours and 
hours trying to identify which file caused the problem (by comparing the 
contents) to no avail.

If you don't have such a fallback, I suggest you make a backup of that folder 
as soon as you get it working.
                         Peter Ruskin, Wrexham, Wales.
        Registered Linux User No. 219434 ( see http://counter.li.org/ )
                Linux Mandrake release 8.0 (Traktopel) for i586
             Linux 2.4.3-20mdk-win4lin-pnr,  KDE: 2.1.2,  Qt: 2.3.1
                           Uptime 15 hours 40 minutes

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