Lucky dog!

If you are trying to make us feel jealous you are doing an excellent 
job. I'm still chugging along with a Pentium II 350 (albeit with 256MB 
of RAM).

Next time you play a game, think of us poor underprivileged saps who 
aren't fortunate to have a brand-spanking-new state-of-the-art 
computer  :-)

Let your conscience eat away at you until all you want to do is 

Have fun!  :-)

P.S. MWAhahahahahahaha!!!!

On Fri, 15 Jun 2001 05:13, Paul wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just got the new pc in. 1.2Ghz Athlon and 256 megs. I started part
> of the Linux MDK 8 install, just to see if the ATA100 Maxtors (2 x
> 30Gb) would be detected. Well... they are. And man, is that machine
> Happy me, next weekend there's something to PLAY!! :-)
> Paul

Sridhar Dhanapalan.
        It's okay to be paranoid when they ARE all after you.

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