在 2001 七月 11 星期三 02:36,Marcia Waller 寫道:
> Dear All,
> I already have the latest java installed in my LM8. I went to Konqueror and
> configured it as suggested. 

How did you configure it?
I first tried to use the GUI Konqueror configuration tool, where you can put 
in the path to your java file, but it didn't work for me. 

I then did it manually, using the console and it worked. 

1- open a console
2- su  to root
3- cd to /etc/
      in it you have a file named 'profile'. that's where you have to add the 
path to java. 
4- here a very basic knowledge of vi is very handy.
vi profile
type 'a' to insert the following line (modify it according to your path and 
type esc to go back to command mode. 
type ':x' to save and exit. 
5- you can type 'cat profile' to check that it's ok. 
restart xwindows.
the above worked for me. 

> When I went to the chat page and clicked on
> chat I first would get a message that the applet is opening then it did not
> open and I got an error message that says <unable to load JSSE SSL stream
> handler, https support not available.>

does this appear when using netscape? 
I don't use netscape, so I wouldn't know what to do. 

> Also, when I first open Konqueror I get a box with an error message that
> says <cannot find ns plugin> or something close to that.

I believe that setting up the path as above could solve the problem with 
Konqueror. give it a try. 

I am sorry: i didn't see you previous emails until right now. You were asking 
me whether to install the latest version or not. 
I certainly wouldn't know whether it is a good choice or not, but I know two 
1- what worked for me
2- reading this forum, I noticed that the latest version  of everything is 
not necessarily the best for individual cases. 
Faced with the choice of version, I decided to play it safe and downloaded 
the version from http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux/ that got prized. 
j2re1.3.0 I believe. 
I downloaded the intel version even though I have an AMD Duron chip, but that 
worked fine with me. 


> I looked in at my java files in /usr and they are there and seem ok. Does
> anyone have any suggestions? Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks
> for the help. This was all working fine before and just stopped working on
> its own as far as I know.
> Sincerely,
> Marcia

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