> How did you configure it?
> I first tried to use the GUI Konqueror configuration tool, where you can
> put in the path to your java file, but it didn't work for me.
> I then did it manually, using the console and it worked.
> 1- open a console
> 2- su  to root
> 3- cd to /etc/
>       in it you have a file named 'profile'. that's where you have to add
> the path to java.
> 4- here a very basic knowledge of vi is very handy.
> vi profile
> type 'a' to insert the following line (modify it according to your path and
> version)
> PATH=/usr/local/j2re1.3.0/bin:$PATH
> type esc to go back to command mode.
> type ':x' to save and exit.
> 5- you can type 'cat profile' to check that it's ok.
> restart xwindows.
> the above worked for me.

Dear Anguo,

Thanks for the instructions. I went into the file as root and did what you 
described except I did not know exactly where my entry should go. I put it 
under the other Path entry. It is there now, but nothing has changed yet. I 
am perplexed that this does not work now after working before. Thanks for the 


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