
Try one more thing and if it doesn't work, we'll have to ask more advanced 
people for help. 
In the console, type 'which java'.
$ which java

> Thanks for the instructions. I went into the file as root and did what you
> described

Can you confirm that you did change the path to fit yours?
According to the which java command above, my path is:
Did you set up yours according to your path (which would be different since 
you have another version of java). 

> except I did not know exactly where my entry should go. I put it
> under the other Path entry. 

Yes, this question got me puzzled too. I believe anywhere is fine, on a 
separate line.
I put my command more towards the top <g>.

> It is there now, but nothing has changed yet. I
> am perplexed that this does not work now after working before. Thanks for
> the help.

I am a newbie like you. I found the information I needed by reading docs in 
the blackdown site, especially the following faq:

i downloaded the j2re1.3.0 version for the following reason (as I said, I 
played it safe, not knowing what I was dealing with, and it works for me on 
May 04 2001
JavaWorld has selected our Blackdown 1.3 JVM for Linux as a finalist in the 
Best Java Virtual Machine category of its  Editors' Choice Awards. 
I then downloaded : j2re-1.3.0-FCS-linux-i386.tar.bz2 from one of their 
mirror sites.

If that doesn't help either, we'll have to ask other people. 
Please do ask again, providing as much information you can (even irrelevant, 
it doesn't hurt <grin>)
what is the cpu?
which file did you download/install?
from where?
what is the version of your kernel? 
Type the following in the console:
        java -version

blessings and best of luck,


在 2001 七月 12 星期四 05:38,Marcia Waller 寫道:
> > How did you configure it?
> > I first tried to use the GUI Konqueror configuration tool, where you can
> > put in the path to your java file, but it didn't work for me.
> >
> > I then did it manually, using the console and it worked.
> >
> > 1- open a console
> > 2- su  to root
> > 3- cd to /etc/
> >       in it you have a file named 'profile'. that's where you have to add
> > the path to java.
> > 4- here a very basic knowledge of vi is very handy.
> > vi profile
> > type 'a' to insert the following line (modify it according to your path
> > and version)
> > PATH=/usr/local/j2re1.3.0/bin:$PATH
> > type esc to go back to command mode.
> > type ':x' to save and exit.
> > 5- you can type 'cat profile' to check that it's ok.
> > restart xwindows.
> > the above worked for me.
> Dear Anguo,
> Thanks for the instructions. I went into the file as root and did what you
> described
> except I did not know exactly where my entry should go. I put it
> under the other Path entry. It is there now, but nothing has changed yet. I
> am perplexed that this does not work now after working before. Thanks for
> the help.
> Sincerely,
> Marcia

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