not a problem... I am sure you will enjoy Mandrake and all the toys. 
If I might make a suggestion though, to reply to the list as well, since i am 
only a few reinstalls ahead, and have been known to not know the best way to 
do something, and have learned much by being corrected on this list.  I am 
absolutely positive that there are people out there reading this that have a 
much better answer to the question than my stab.
as close as i can figure it (and I ain't read squat about this) Frame Buffer 
is a regular VGA mode that really cannot perform anywhere near as nice as a 
real Xwindow session (might be 16 colors frame buffer, Xwindows 16Million 
colors) Aurora (again, as I GUESS it to be) is the program that runs at boot 
and shows a pretty boot up. I (say... mandrake 7.0 and before) used to always 
boot with text, and you can still get that by turning off aurora and see all 
the stuff loading, and if you have realllllllly fast eyes, you can read it. 
and if it stops long enough to read the whole page, you get to see what went 
right just before the problem. but I digress.... 

On Thursday 12 July 2001 18:27, you had thoughts to the concept of:
> Thanks for your comment (you were the only person who replied).
> I did another install (and reformatted the partitions) using the Expert
> mode.  All went well and at this point everything is working (although I
> have been here before).
> I will now reboot from Win98 to linux (via Lilo) and see what happens.
> If i can ever get a stable system i will spend many hours familiarizing
> myself with linux and its approach to things.
> What is framebuffer and aurora?
> Thanks again
> Preston
> At 11:33 AM 7/12/01, you wrote:
> >My personal preference has been to install from the expert, and install a
> >developer install if that choice is given, see if your mouse is in the
> > tree when a mouse selection is offered,  I like to pick almost everything
> > and shut off services I do not NEED right after install, that way I have
> > all the files I need to compile (should I ever learn that much) and
> > install. I can reconfigure whatever servers from webmin and run them.
> >As far as the booting into winders goes, are you using framebuffer and
> >aurora?.
> >
> >On Wednesday 11 July 2001 19:34, preston smith wrote:
> > > To anyone who can help me!
> > >
> > > Epox 8KTA3 motherboard, 128 megs RAM, ATI Xpert 2000 Pro video card
> > > with AGP (2x selected), Microsoft Optical Wheel USB mouse (in previous
> > > installs of MD 8.0 the mouse has/has not worked through both a USB port
> > > and a PS/2 port with an adapter).  Installed done from the 2 CD ISO
> > > download, in the RECOMMENDED mode.
> > >
> > > I am about to try another of my reinstallations of 8.0 on freshly
> > > formatted partitions.  Each time i have reinstalled, my mouse has
> > > worked as expected, has not worked at all with a frozen cursor, or has
> > > worked and then stopped working with a frozen cursor.  On many of these
> > > install the install did not pick up my NIC - other times it did.  Also,
> > > the system frequently told me that module xxx was missing.
> > >
> > > So,
> > >
> > > 1.  Should I use the RECOMMENDED or EXPERT install format?
> > > 2.  Should I go for a minimal install and gradually add more features
> > > from the 2 CD set?  If so, what is the minimal configuration that will
> > > give me a GUI and network access?
> > > 3.  When problems occur, what logs can I investigate to determine if
> > > the install or upgrade went well or had problems, what problem occurred
> > > to cause the mouse (or other feature) to disappear, etc.
> > >
> > > There must be a methodical and systematic way to go about doing the
> > > install and isolating problems.
> > >
> > > Another thing I noticed when i booted Win98 via LILO tonight,
> > > immediately after Lilo boots the selected OS, my screen is totally
> > > scrambled until the Win98 blue screen comes.  I have noticed this a
> > > couple of times in recent days (in fact its occurrence may coincide
> > > with the mouse problem).
> > >
> > > Any and all help appreciated.
> > >
> > > Preston
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ---
> > > Betti Ann & Preston Smith
> > > Head of St Margaret's Bay, NS
> > > MGB & RV Owners
> ---
> Betti Ann & Preston Smith
> Head of St Margaret's Bay, NS
> MGB & RV Owners

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