
On Thursday 19 July 2001 02:17 pm, you wrote:
> > Surely somebody's come up against this before. Any hints at which of the
> > libs is likely to be the one? Or should I rpm -U NVIDIA_GLX, then refresh
> > Mesa, then manually delete all the conflicting components, and reinstall
> > NVIDIA_GLX? Any other thoughts or opinions?
> I had these same problems with my Geforce 2 MX and I never have got it to
> work. I am thinking likely because my card is PCI. I could not get it to
> work in win2k either. So  I am leaning towards my system being a little too
> old to handle the card in a decent O/S. I even corresponded with Nvidia for
> about two weeks trying all kinds of stuff and was finally told "I don't
> know what else to do, sorry."

Don't say that! :-O

Mine's AGP, and it's in quite a new system (three days old, as a matter 
of fact). I have a great suggestion from 's', which I'm itching to try out 
once I get home and put my hands on the machine. 

So hopefully my luck will be better than yours was. I'll be sure and post any 
successes I have and the steps that led to it!

Dan Ray
Director Custom Applications
Triangle Research, Inc.

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