> I don't get what you're trying to do here. How are you searching?
> If its installed, you should be able to type the relavant command
> (IIRC, it's "hpbuilder") to load the app. 

************* I suspect it has something to do with WINE and how it 
is all supposed to startup as well.
I have not learned yet how to start it from docs available:
vis: does one start WINE in some way first?
It does show up as installed, it just doesn't start.
It did not add itself to the Desktop Menu.
I am attempting to start it from the Konq File Manager Directory. 

> It did start life as TopPage, a WinDOS app. Winelib was used to
> port it to GNU/Linux. It works quite well, so there's nothing to be
> afraid of.

********** IF I can ever get to it !  :-)
> > But where has IglooFTP gone, as well??

************* I found it. It also did not add itself to the Menu. 
What I have learned from MANUAL searching painfully, dir by dir, is 
that some install packages install wherever they like - not in the 
origin dir and often in strange places. 
Some go to /root, some to odd sub-dirs................. 
Igloo went to root/user/local/igloo.

Example is trying to install Official Lexmark Printer Drivers:
An odd message comes up under RPM saying "delete package under 
It appears to have installed - but doesn't.  My Printer still says 

APPARENTLY RPM also will not install over an existing program. Worse, 
it  won't tell you that it is not listing under "installable" because 
of this. It simply doesn't show up under Pack Mgr search.

Sometimes adding a new source works, sometimes it does not. This I 
learned by deduction and cross-checked with some amazement to be so. 
Thus, yet another problem in getting an install done, to look for.
On this mornings bootup, I suffered the same problem again with 
SCREEM. I downloaded the fixes as advised, reinstalled SCREEM and it 
seemed to work ok, yesterday.
This AM it froze on startup ( why it was starting up resident I do 
not know)  and would not be killed - leaving the same white block in 
centre screen left over from its "splash" . To remove it I had to 
delete SCREEM again.



Fablor now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  Info here: 
(it's only an Autoresponder)  :-)

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