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I'm not sure what you mean when you say KDE doesn't recognize your Windows 
partitions but Gnome does. The ability to mount a vfat partition is part 
of the linux kernel (or a kernel module), but the GUI you are using.

Are you saying that Gnome set up shortcut icons to easily access your 
partitions, but KDE did not?

Try this: in KDE, run konqueror in file-manager mode (just click the Home 
button or icon). Navigate to the Root ( / ) folder, then to /mnt, and 
there (within /mnt) you will see your Windows partitions. They may have 
wierd-looking names like hda1, hda2, etc., or they may actually say win_c 
or windows or some such. You can create shortcuts to these "folders" on 
your desktop or wherever you want, to access them more easily.

Hope this helps,

On Wednesday 18 July 2001 07:36, thus spake John Rigby:
> Hi folks,
> Can't see how to do this:
> Gnome automatically recognises my Doze Drives but K does not.
> How do we make (preferably under the GUI like Gnome) K recognise them?
> I need to attach some from them as email files.

- -- 
"Nihil tam munitum quod non expugnari pecunia possit." (No 
fortification is such that it cannot be subdued with money.)
- - Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.
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