Hi Skinky,

On Wed, 25 Jul 2001 09:04, you manipulated electrons to produce:
> Hi John
> I agree with Miark.  Also, as Sridhar said, I don't think Ed meant
> any harm. He merely pointed out something you/we need to be aware
> of.  Don't be too quick to judge.  Lighten up a little  :-)
> Keep up the good work with your book and good luck.

********** My life is all light! Except for my M8 install...   :-) 

There is an old (True) Alchemic saying: 
"Everything is a reflection. Judge and be judged, but, observe and 
and be rewarded"  
It roughly means YOU set up your terms of interaction. 
That's what I do and did. No judgement, just observation based on 
looong experience of identifying ducks.  

Ed is very welcome to his beliefs. He made them very clear, if you 
recall the structure of his post. Very clear. 

So far the voting is actually 25% defending his position of 
non-contribution freely.  
But now, I think we should end it. It is getting way off topic and 
was not really worth the time and electrons manipulated and expended 
to date. 
He has a specific view - I respected it. Don't agree with his concept 
or presentation of it, but I don't have to.  So I didn't. I complied 
with his request fully, that's all. 



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Fablor is now Webhosting?? What on earth for??  
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