Since I installed new versions of three font RPMs (don?t ask why...), I?ve been having 
problems getting accents and special charaters. For example, when I try and type èêöç 
I get the following:

-in most applications (including gedit and galeon): eeoc (no accents at all)
-in Star Office: ?e^e¨o¸c (accents preceed letter)
-in Abiword: èêöç (no problems, seems to be the only application working ok)

When I noticed the problem, I uninstalled the RPMs and reinstalled the earlier 
versions (assuming that?s what was causing the problem). But the problem is still 
there. The RPMs I installed (and then later removed) were fonts-ttf-big5-1.0-12mdk 
(replaced 1.0-9_ , fonts-ttf-west_european-1.3-9mdk (replaced 1.3-8), and 
fonts-ttf-decorative-1.3-9mdk (1.3-8).

Steve Watt

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