On Tuesday 31 July 2001 10:17, Marchetti, Peter wrote:
> I know I sound like a moron...but I'm having trouble
> finding the info I need.  If anyone knows a doc or a
> website that will help me, let me know.
> I'm setting up a server to be a web/e-commerce server. 
> Right now I just want it to work on the local network. 
> All the other machines are W2K or WinNT4.  I need to be
> able to talk to them and transfer files.  Is the simplest
> way to transfer the files just to FTP them over?  (Note:
> I can ping everybody from both sides.)  The info I have
> read on sharing drives and such in Linux have confused
> me.  (I think it's just a vocabulary issue.)
> I don't want to flaunt my ignorance here...but I need
> some help.  ANyone no a really good source for Sys Admins
> from the M$ world moving to *nix?
> Thanks in advance...
> Peter




p.s. your only a moron if you don't do some research.

good luck!

//- Jeff Reed
//- One of those Linux People
//- Metro West Boston Linux User Group
//- (508)792-6070

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