On Monday 30 July 2001 09:52 pm, you wrote:
> if I understand you, roadrunner is a cable modem, and you are assigned an
> IP number when you boot? So it is a truly always on connection.

I guess, all I really know is that my IP has always been the same. Linux 
would tell me my host name was woh-65-28-253-33, my IP address. Now about a 
week ago, RoadRunner changed something. Now when Linux boots it gives me 
dhcp-21-1 and the last number changes each boot. But its still the same IP 
address. I did reconfigure my connection and name my computer LinuxGeek, so 
now thats what it says when I boot, still the same IP though.
Anywho, I installed Apache and it won't start. At boot httpd just fails. I 
went to the mandrake demo site to see if I could apache going but that was no 
help as I can't even start httpd.
I am willing to learn anything...lol. I just don't want people getting pissed 
because I'm slow...lol.

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