Hi Judith,

On Sun, 29 Jul 2001 08:48, you manipulated electrons to produce:
> Sridhar wrote:
> >> You mean it isn't "intuitive" for a Windos user? Then you are
> correct. For people who have been using *nix for a while this can
> be very intuitive. <<
> Whoa! "Intuitive" has nothing to do with what OS someone knows how
> to use. "Intuitive" means "known or perceived through intuition."

*********** Aha! A "born" debater!  :-)

Most of my working life was spent trying to introduce Western 
Technology in Asia - at the USER level.  The greatest problem in 
presenting alternative - not even better - solutions to tasks is the 
cultural problem. "*My* way has to be better, or this means I am 
To readily understand this point is simple: consider Religion!  :-)

However, INDUCEMENT to change is the highest requirement for rapidly 
overcoming the inbuilt habit/prejudice/bias of the student.  

In the case of Windows vs Linux, to really appreciate the differences 
requires comparing apples with apples (not Apples) and here we need 
to separate the application intention of the user:
1. Geek.
2. Tool user. 
In (1) there is utterly no question. Linux wins.  The Internet runs 
on the stuff - despite Big Bill's massive efforts to sell the MS 
Server solutions. It is simply so superior that any true geek would 
become aware of it in a week or less - as happens. 

In (2) Mandrake is almost there!  It is a problem of residual 
intention confusion that is the main outstanding difficulty.  
Pavarotti in an interview once said that he "admired the dedication 
of all those other Opera Singers who can practise so hard, hour after 
hour, day after day." When reminded of how much time he spent working 
on his music he said, " but I just sing!"  

We are getting there very quickly. It is astounding that it *IS* 
happening so quickly and efficiently. People tend to forget that the 
vast bulk of great work done on this System is done by individuals 
and small groups who somehow find the time and energy to get it all 
together and create a cohesion that we still have yet to see come out 
of Redmond. ( Mind you, there is a different intention inside 

Even more amazing is the fact that the people being called on to make 
the System "User Friendly", are not by instinct of the same 
As I keep saying - this exercise is massively cross-cultural.  At one 
extreme are the Civilemes and Sridhars who actually LIKE the 
complexity and challenges, but they were born to it. 

At the other extreme is YHC, your humble correspondent, who an 
hundred years ago thought automatic gearboxes on autos was a 
blasphemy, but who sure learned to appreciate them in stop-start 
traffic jams, which were invented at the time, to sell automatic 

Now that I have a complex life out in the Cyberbog, the last thing I 
need to do is go catch a goose, yank out a tail feather and sharpen 
it and make some ink to create my daily bread. That ain't fun to me. 
Only the writing -as some of you have noticed - is, I looove the 

HOWEVER, to make this thing work is not that difficult if approached 
a little differently. It is only in the separation of the "cultures" 
and understanding of the requirements - or goals of the other, that 
it does simplify.  
Natural Mechanics.
The money is with the Drivers. We outnumber the mechanics by the same 
ratio of auto mechanics to drivers. The whole computer system is just 
a tool, nothing more. It is useful only to contact Grandma cheaply, 
SPAM each other and write the great novel of  the century. We just 
want to use it to go from A to B. 
The requirement is simple:  AUTOMATE IT.  Give us this day our daily 
GUI and deliver us from the Command Line. 

Four-wheel Drive and double-reduction 6-speed gearboxes are great - 
on an Army vehicle, they are useless to a normal user as the Urban 
equivalent.  Dangerous in an accident, extremely expensive to 
maintain, uncomfortable and no longer impress anyone - they all have 
one too.    

We only need a system that works as far as possible on MINIMUM 
CHOICES.  3 Automatic gears are fine!  We only need to do repetitive 
and simple things. 
Mandrake only has to focus on on one simple zone to really fill a 
giant vacuum:
EVERYTHING on the Desktop.
No Server option on install.

No Multi-desktops - Gnome *or* KDE whichever is "windowiest".
An Email program - as close to O.E as possible.
A REALLY good Wordprocessor - Doze-like interface 
(Star Office seems pretty close to workable now - except for font 
THEN for later on, the AUTOMATIC updater/installer option - ON the 

A DEFAULT install Trial Win4Lin. 

Mandrake is still a long way from an "easy" transition - transitions 
are NEVER easy, as whole habit  patterns have to be burned out and 
Then there is the problem of expectation!  Remember, that's how Bill 
became a Billionaire! 
Mandrake is about the level of W95 in development terms, which is a 
great testimony to the people all over the world who are involved, 
mostly as part-time activists! 

But, for me, a very typical Driver with a long journey ahead and 
already running late, the logical solution seems to be Mandrake plus 
Win4Lin, especially  for any business user and you have the best of 
both worlds.

My conclusion after reading thousands of messages and hands on 
experience in the last four distros and culminating in Mandrake8, is 
that I would not advise anyone attempting to run M8 or any other 
Distro without determining the following:
1.  Are they a NEW Newby? No prior Doze experience
2. Are they "mechanically" inclined?
3. Are they a commercially serious user?
4. The age/equipment of the machine to install on.

1.  Very much (as in Doze) need a live helper alongside. A local User 
Group is MANDATORY. *IF* the install worked, I see no more difficulty 
in learning M8 than Doze.  I know of  none personally that worked in 
one go.

2.  Doing it for the "fun" of it as much as anything else. Not 
reliant on it for their daily bread. ( See 1., minus the live helper)

3.  Preferably professionally installed -almost mandatory - if a 
Network and incorporating Win4Lin.  (Same as Doze)

4. Be prepared to spend whatever money necessary to buy 
peripherals/components that are *known to work* with the Distro. Most 
workarounds are unstable and inefficient.

>From all that I have learned, it would appear that modern Distros 
like M8 won't break your Doze machine setup PROVIDED you do a 
"routine" auto-install. 
Therefore, I would say try and install the Opsys and hope that it 
worked.  If it breaks down, it may take months, if ever, to get your 
components/peripherals working.  I now consider for a business user 
that Win4Lin is almost mandatory.
Despite very high-level aid given me, the solutions to my many 
problems have not been resolved as of this writing. 

CAVEAT:  This is not professional advice! The database is a very 
small derivation, but I consider, very representative. 
However the incentives to change are massive and growing.     


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