we do care about helping, or we would not have wasted the time to read your 
mail, much less respond,  but I would suggest that quite possibly you DID 
sound Me-AN, and still do, and sound as if what ever curve balls life has 
thrown you, should be cause to elevate your problems above the rest of the 
struggling mortals. You might be surprised to learn about the different 
handicaps almost everyone brings. I might also suggest that for some folks, 
"attitude" could be considered a handicap. If you think we "know a lot but 
ain't telling you," then perhaps you are giving the credit to the wrong 
persons, since most of the time around here, a question that has enough 
informantion to provide an answer will get three or four answers, most of the 
time they are all correct, and not always redundant. 
I would also propose that in the eyes of some who read your posts, perhaps 
_YOU_ may be the one appearing to have a "macho" and the "world owes me" 
attitude.  I also noticed at least one really good answer about deleting and 
reinstalling the modules for the SCSI card. Perhaps you have not received 
that mail from the server by the time you posted this. Calling "boogerface" 
to other newbies just trying to get enough information to start to trace a 
problem is not likely to get you the help you want. 
My mother always told me the most likely way to get people to "say shitty 
things" was to "say shitty things" to them, she also mentioned that if i do 
not want people to throw stones at me, I should not throw stones at them. (I 
sure think "throw stones" sounds so much more grown up than 'say shitty 
things", but that is just my opinion) 

By the way, I bet other people that wind up with the same problem you had 
could benefit by your perseverance and reporting what you do and did to 
correct your problem. 

> I really tried and no one understands.
I can really understand the frustration in your mails, but it might work 
better if you take a deep breath between each sentence, read what you wrote, 
and realize that we might NOT know right off what the problem you are having 
is. I would bet, very few of the people reading this will be able to "intuit" 
what your hardware consists of, even after reading the history of all your 
posts on the subject. We know you have a zip drive, and the moodel of it, but 
that's it. do you run a webserver and DNS and news server? Theese _might_ 
drain your system enough to slow down access on the zip. are you running a 
batch job in gimp of converting all the files in a 2 gig folder from *.gif to 
*.png? see what I mean?

On Sunday 12 August 2001 14:16, Linux Newbie wrote:
> OK I guess no one cares about helping, I tried to
> put in as much as I knew, but no one was willing
> to even lift a finger, I'm sick of this elitist attitude
> "I know alot but I'm not telling you"
> What do you expect me to do just pull it out of my a$$?
> You could have been a little nicer and dropped the macho
> attitude, I did not come off mean, so why should you?
> I only reacted to that first boogerfaces useless info
> I knew he was not even trying and dammit I'M TRYING!!!
> I'm handicapped!! Some things are just not good enough
> for you freaking Bob Normals eh?
> Gee what a hell of a caring list!!!
> It used to be so nice here and no one would say shitty things
> and hurt your feelings.
> I really tried and no one understands.
> I quit!!!!!
> On Sunday 12 August 2001 07:34 am, so spoke etharp:
> > and the info you provided for the correction to be figured out from was
> > SOOOooo useful. correct it and that it was unacceptable, ain't much to go
> > on. I know you must realize this is a list of folks Volunteering to help
> > each other, with no compensations or warrenties, and if you want a reply
> > that helps you, maybe you could help us by attempting to sound as polite
> > as possible (since no one HAS to help, and you are _ASKING_  for [as
> > opposed to buying] assistance), and to include as much info about your
> > problem, your system, the error message as possible.
> >
> > On Sunday 12 August 2001 02:24, Linux Newbie wrote:
> > > O gee thanks for NOTHING!!!
> > >
> > > Care to give me any MORE USELESS information????
> > >
> > > > Ok correct it!
> > > >
> > > > (Sorry I couldn't resist, it sounds like you EXPECT an IMMEDIATE
> > > > response, as if someone owes it to you...)

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