On Sunday 19 August 2001 11:11, you wrote:

> Actually WinME is getting all that performance because the op system
> does absolutely nothing to work around the bug.  You have HDDs on IDE0
> master and slave.  If they were on IDE0 master and IDE1 either master or
> slave (which is the usual configuration for best performance since both
> disks can be active at the same time), then the first time you decided
> to copy a huge directory like 100 Mb or more, from dirve C to drive D
> the computer would chug along for a while and reset itself in the midst
> of the copy operation.  This is reproducible on an ABIT board of your
> model just about 100% for Win95 win98 Win2k WinME and kernel 2.4  Kernel
> 2.2 appears unaffected, and so does winXP beta.
> The northbridge KT133A has another problem about not being able to power
> down softly (you have to switckh off the power supply.)  This is
> limmited to a specific lot af the chips and I have observed it on 2 FIC
> AZ11s and several MSIs and ABITs, but never on an ASUS (maybe a
> remainder of their once terrific quality).
> There are some configurations which interfere with our detection scheme
> (the bug was admitted by VIA just days before release of 8.0) and go on
> unprotected, and a few VIA MVP3 chipsets get slowed down unjustly
> because they manage to look like the deadly configuration. The beta  8.1
> kernel, kernel-2.4.8-5mdk I  just tested and we are back in business,
> but still at VIA performance levels instead of intel, now up to
> 20.82Mb/s and 23.7 after running drakopt, but still off the benchmark of
> 31.89 with the same drive on an i810 based board.  This is of course a
> benchmark differnce and may and probably does have no significance in
> real life use.
> But better chipsets are on the way for the AMD enthusiast.  Remember the
> NVidias are coming and we hope mostly with open source drivers, and they
> won't be for Intel.  The SiS 730 is a pedestrian chipset which goes on a
> lot of low quality boards but get a reliable board, as say a Shuttle
> with a 730 or even the mediocre ASUS A-7S, and it will probably never
> hiccup.
> Civileme

I'm really confused after reading all the messages about VIA because I am 
going to buy (in a week's time) a new PC, upgrade my current one and put 
together a third one from my current components- now I don't know what to 

My upgrade *was going to be*: (my main PC)
Asus A7M266 motherboard w VIA VT82C686B South Bridge
512MB DDR RAM PC-2100
MSI GeForce2 64MB MX400 graphics card w TV out
Creative Soundblaster Live Value OEM sound card
- set up with
IBM DTLA-307060 60GB  ATA-100 (primary master)
Quantum Bigfoot CY-??? 6.4GB ATA-33? (primary slave)
HP CD Writer 9310i (secondary master)
No-brand? CD-ROM (secondary slave)
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - 2.4.3-20mdk but want to update to LM8.1

My second PC *was going to be*: (to get my hubby into computers ;-) )
AMD 1.0GHz 266MHz FSB (my current CPU)
Soltek SL-75KAV w onboard sound AC97 (my current mobo)
Chipset: North Bridge VIA VT8363A (KT-133A) with South Bridge VIA VT82C686B
256MB SDRAM PC-133
MSI GeForce2 64MB MX400 graphics card w TV out
IBM DTLA-307060 60GB  ATA-100 (primary master)
No-brand? CD-ROM (secondary master)
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - 2.4.3-20mdk but want to update to LM8.1

Other PC *was going to be*: (just for our surveillance cameras)
Soltek SL75LIV 266MHz FSB w onboard video & sound
Seagate Barracuda III 30GB ATA-100 (primary master)
Matshita CD-ROM (secondary master)
Win98 SE

I found all of these components available and reasonbly priced (total 
NZ$3700 approx- US$1620) - includes floppy drives, case PSUs, etc.

I don't really want to go back to Intel (high price) and I don't intend to 
upgrade any hardware for at least three years after this.  But then whats 
the point in getting something that won't work properly with the OS I want 
to use?  Would it be advisable to wait another few months to see what 
comes onto the market?  But then that's how I got caught out last time - 
getting the newest/latest system before any bugs are known.  What about 
the Creative Soundblaster Live Value card?  Should I forget it?  If anyone 
has any recommendations I'd be very grateful.

Totally confused!

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