Hmmm much though I agree......
if only things where that simple unfortunately around 85% of web users use
IE4 already and much though it pains me to say so (maintiaining a commercial
site with around 2000 lines of javascript) I like a lot of developer have no
option but to occainsionally write stuff especially for >IE4 (I am getting
to a mozilla version but it aint ready yet) by simply commercial restraints.

I suspect that the whole msn issue is something similar although I should
imagine their reasons for not supporting the moz are somewhat different to
ours (ie lack of programming resources) and rather more politically


I am off the opinion that anyone running apache, should add a javascript to
their page, that tests
for IE and pops up an alert to this effect:

"You are using Internet Explorer to view this site. Although this site
should work fine, we cannot
guarantee that you will not lose some functionality because of your choise
of browser, Microsoft do
not always follow standards with the internet and as such we can not know
for sure if it will work
or not..(and neither can anyone other then Microsoft themselves.)
we suggest you download Mozilla (free) This is a more standards
browser then Internet Explorer. Please click OK to continue. (should you
wish to try.)

If Ten million web sites started popping that up when visited by an IE user,
Microsoft would
Bcktrack pretty quickly as it might indent on their browser market share.

Just some thoughts....  I may actually put up a warning like that I think,,




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