Title: Linux versus WindowsXP Haredware

Hi All,

        I'm writing this because I'm curious.  With all the trouble with WindowsXP having all these hardware issues, isn't it about time to get our thinking caps on and re-focus our attention on the fact at this moment in time we have an opportunity to exploit Linux hardware capabilities.  One guy saying he couldn't get his USB keyboard to work under WinXP where Linux could is a prime example.  Okay so WindowsXP has almost rock solid stability, but for the first time ever, LINUX SUPPORTS MORE HARDWARE!!!.  We need to push this at this time before Microsoft gets it's act together.  What are your thoughts on this and I hope it will inspire someone on this mailing list to push this further.  This may be the invunerability that could drag Microsoft to its knees.

Craig Williamson

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