On Thu, 2001-11-08 at 23:15, Harry Ablejoy wrote:
> Dave i did default install and clicked on soffice still will not open  like 
> linux but installing software will take a little time for me.
>                            Thanks

Can you run it from the command line? Open a console, and type in the
full path to soffice, which would look like this on my laptop:
[dave@dedannshae dave]$ /usr/local/staroffice6.0/program/soffice

If Star Office launches, great! All you need to do is create a launcher
icon on your desktop, that points to soffice.

If Star Office does not launch, I would recommend uninstalling (just
delete the whole staroffice6.0 directory), and then reinstall with the
/net switch. This must all be done as root, of course. After StarOffice
is installed, you can logout and login as a regular user, then run the
setup program per my previous message, and choose the network install
option to configure it for personal use.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

... we must be wary of granting too much power to natural selection
by viewing all basic capacities of our brain as direct adaptations.
I do not doubt that natural selection acted in building our oversized
brains -- and I am equally confident that our brains became large as
an adaptation for definite roles (probably a complex set of interacting
functions).  But these assumptions do not lead to the notion, often
uncritically embraced by strict Darwinians, that all major capacities
of the brain must arise as direct products of natural selection.
                -- S.J. Gould, "The Mismeasure of Man"

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